Our Vision
To get Melbury to the next level by providing indoor facilities including setup area, club room and permanent indoor ranges.
Bideford Rifle Club Overview
Established over 60 years ago for small-bore rifle and air-gun enthusiasts.
Welcomes members of all ages and skill levels, from 8 to 80+ years old.
Strong history of success in competitions, with members representing Devon County and Great Britain.
Current Situation
Club has built an outdoor range with help of a grant award from sport England.
Temporary covered ranges have been built to enable 10m and 25yd shooting in shelter from wind and rain
Unheated and unconnected access to ranges, no setup area and kitchen facilities limit participation of all members particular in winter months
Vision for New Facilities
Permanent indoor ranges with heating and additional facilities to support shooting all year round in comfort
Facilities will include disabled access, kitchen, setup area, toilets, and a secure walk in gun and ammunition armoury.
Steps to Achieve the Vision
Identify minimum building/facility requirements.
Consolidate club funds and seek additional funding.
Finalize architectural plans and obtain necessary approvals.
Convert barn into clubroom inc. kitchen and built setup area and permanent indoor ranges for all year round use.