Well what a year 2015 turned out to be!
The sheer number of photographs on this page pays tribute to all the hard work done on the site by so many people.
​No time was wasted in employing different contractors to carry out the jobs that club members couldn't do such as laying the concrete slab that forms the foundation of the outdoor firing point. The construction of the steel frame for the building and the thousands upon thousands of tons of earth that needed shifting.
As always club members were on hand when needed or available to help do whatever they could do. Marc Pomeroy took overall charge of the construction of the building once the frame was in place assisted on a daily basis by Pete Thomson and Michael Coombs.
The club had always kept in close contact with Parkham Parish Council to let them know what was going on just down the road and it was decided that we should hold an open weekend and invite residents from Parkham village and the parish to to visit us. This was a huge success with far more visitors than we had expected over the two days... even in rather muddy conditions.
By the end of the year massive changes had taken place and we could now at long last see a range and building starting to take shape.