Wednesday 22nd February 2017. The range may now be open but the work to complete the facilities and improve safety continues and despite the terrible weather that storm Doris brought us, a few did turn out to complete a few essential tasks. The safety kerb along side the drive near to the range building was almost completed and a drainage ditch some 50 meters in length was dug alongside The Kersey hedge.
Very few photos of work and progress to publish this year but that is not to say that we have completely stopped work, far from it! The club spent the best part of the year having a little bit of a rest and time to enjoy the new facilities.
During the year other work details were arranged but mostly for general maintenance and gardening. The range and butt was grass seeded and we all watched as spring turned to summer and the range transformed from a barren expanse of mud to a green and healthy range. As always behind the scenes the committee continued to meet on a monthly basis and our attention was now drawn to phase two, building the indoor ranges and facilities.
The club was official opened in May. plus we also held our 1st open shoot which was very well attended. Both events have their own pages in the gallery.